How to begin assignment 2

Step 1:  Choose a curriculum area within which to develop a unit of work

You may develop a unit from scratch, or redesign an existing unit. The unit should be an extended inquiry over about 5-10 weeks.

I assume that many of you will choose a unit that you have taught or are planning to teach. However, if you’re not currently in a teaching context, or you need inspiration, check out the range of inquiry units available on the web. Scootle is a database of curriculum materials which include full and partial inquiry units.  Also, many cultural heritage institutions (such as museums) and non-government organisations (such as environmental groups) also develop inquiry curricula for teachers. Here are some examples:

Higher education and VET: Your unit of work may be a semester long inquiry unit or individual assessment item that requires extensive information seeking/data gathering.

Step 2: Write overview

The Overview post (approx 350 words) should set the scene and background for the unit. Include the following information:

  • reason for choosing the topic/curriculum area (if you are redesigning an existing unit, explain the reason and give some background)
  • context of the unit (year level, where it fits in terms of the rest of the curriculum)
  • intended learning outcomes (in your own words, do not reproduce Australian Curriculum content descriptors)
  • duration of unit

You should be enough information to help other teachers who wish to teach your unit to understand the context.

Here is an example of a unit overview.


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