Welcome to Module One!
This map will take you through the inquiry re-search process, where you will investigate a feature of inquiry learning that you would like to know more about.
The posts that you create as you work through Module One will form the content which will be assessed for Assignment One.
As you work through the re-search process, you will encounter the readings and resources which will support your work.
Assignment One details:
Weighting: 50%
Length: Equivalent to 2,500 words
Due: Sunday 8th September, Week 7
Submission: Indicate on the Google Doc (accessible in our MeWe Group) when you are ready for your assignment to be marked.
Here is the Assignment 1 guide as a printable doc.
If the interactive map does not load, the links needed to progress through the inquiry re-search process are also available below.
You can also see how this process is mapped across the semester by consulting the Semester Schedule.
Before you begin: Create your blog
Module One:
Initial post (approx. 250 words)
Expert searching & critical analysis (equivalent to 800 words)
Curation collection addressing one inquiry question (8 x 100 word annotation)
Infographic summarising main findings
Final reflection (approx. 250 words)