Create your infographic
The infographic should present the main findings of your inquiry question. The infographic should stand alone as a high-quality shareable professional learning resource. You will need to assign a Creative Commons licence plus include a url or QR code which links to your curated collection. To create an infographic use a tool such as those suggested here. You might have to play around with a few platforms to find one you like.
Here is a handy site with icons to use in your infographic if appropriate.
Make sure you add a CC license – choose one from here and download the CC image generated by your choice from here.
Add a url or QR code to your infographic that leads people to your curated collection.
Check out this article on creating infographics:
Abilock, D., & Williams, C. (2014). Recipe for an Infographic. Knowledge Quest, 43(2), 46-55. [QUT login]
Place the infographic on your curation collection page or create a new page for it. You are encouraged to share your infographic to your PLN.
Here is an infographic that summarises the information presented in the curated collection example on the previous page.