Provide Peer Feedback

You will find yourself at this page at two different stages of the journey. Giving peer feedback will be expected as you complete Module One and Module Two, so that we can all learn from each other in the spirit of a connected learning community. In both cases, the process will be the same:

You need to comment on the blog entries of two of your colleagues. It’s up to you to select which of your colleague’s blogs you would like to comment on.  Use the comments function on their blog. Comment on:

  • what you liked,
  • what you learned from reading their entry, and
  • if you noticed anything that could be improved.

You need to do this well before the blogs are marked to give them time to revise their entries according to your feedback.

ds106 is an amazing example of an open, connectivist learning community. This particular post from the course is very relevant if you are looking for inspiration on how to frame your blog comments as part of Assignment One. It is also a useful one to share with older students when teaching them the process of making a constructive and positive comment!

How is the peer feedback organised?

Browse the blog list (Google Doc) which you can access via the MeWe Community or the unit Blackboard site to see when your colleagues are ready for feedback.  Read their blog and provide them with feedback if you so moved. If you don’t feel moved then move onto read someone else’s blog that might give me a little more inspiration.

The risk with this unregulated process is that some people will RECEIVE feedback and some people may not. However, everyone must GIVE feedback. So, you may give AND receive, or you may just give. We’re doing it this way because an organised system won’t work as people are doing different parts of their blog at different times. Also, this process emulates real-life more in terms of making comments on people’s blogs on the web in general without necessarily getting feedback in return.

How will I be marked for this entry?

This is a required activity in order to complete the assignment. The quality of your feedback is not marked.

How do I submit my feedback for marking?

You should copy and paste your feedback, or take a screen clip as an image. You should then present this feedback as a separate post on your blog. Here’s an example.